Contact Collective Civil

Collective Civil specialize in detailed excavation and reinforced concrete like this lift pit at the Rouse Hill Town Centre built for Bovis Lend Lease.

Box Culvert Extension
Steel Fixing

Box culvert extension constructed for Cleary Bros at Lucas Hts

  Steel fixing the roof of the insitu box culvert extension.

A Lift Pitt at Rouse Hill

A lift pit at the Rouse Hill town Centre constructed for Bovis Lend Lease.    


Capping Beam
Rouse Hill Town Centre

Let Collective Civil start your project by building your foundations like this capping beam constructed at the Royal North Shore Hospital


A capping beam is poured at the Rouse Hill Town Centre.

Stepped Block Wall Footing
Lift Pit - Royal North Shore Hospital

This is a stepped block wall footing poured with starter bars on a steep slope.

This lift pit is ready to pour at the Royal North Shore Hospital for Robson and Bovis Lend Lease.  Collective Civil can look after all your in ground concrete works for buildings subdivisions bridgeworks and road works.


Piers for a retaining wall
30 Tonne Track Drilling Rig
Piers for a retaining wall along Cowpasture Rd built for the RTA.   Collective Civil provided this 30 tonne track drilling rig to provide the 900 mm dia piers up to 5m deep and socketed into shale.

Augers - Various Sizes
Track Mounted Drill Rig
Collective Civil has a comprehensive set of auger sizes to drill holes up to 5m deep and ranging in size from 300mm to 900mm Our 13 tonne shown here is a versatile with reduced swing.

This large track mounted drill rig was used to drill 900mm diameter
piers 7m deep and socketed into rock

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Collective Civil